O God who is First, O God who is Last,
O God who is one Substance, O God who is three Persons:

We come humbly and bow before you.
The world we live in has taught us to short-circuit our relationship with you.
We're taught to expect an instant relationship, instant answers to prayer, instant growth in grace, instant spiritual maturity.

O God, truly merciful, forgive us our sins.
Forgive our impatience.
Forgive our arrogance.
Forgive our impetuousness.

O Lord, our Lord, forgive.

Teach us to take one step at a time.
Teach us contentment in growing into your life little by little.
Teach us humility of unanswered prayers.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


(From Longing for God by R. Foster & G. Beebe)

 特に、Teach us humility of unanswered prayers. の部分…